5 ways you can support our blog, Media kit

5 Ways You Can Support Our Blog!

Blogging is done out of love and passion, and every blogger appreciates the support and encouragement from their readers. If you enjoy reading our blogs and want to help them grow, here are five simple ways you can support us and become an integral part of VeryFirstTale.

#1 Subscribe To Our Monthly Newsletter

You can subscribe to our monthly newsletter and stay up-to-date with all the latest blog posts that we upload. By subscribing, you’ll get a monthly email directly in your inbox, ensuring that you never miss out on our engaging articles. It’s a fantastic way to stay connected and be the first to know about introspective blogs. As well as some important monthly touchpoints and engagements. 

#2 Join Our Growing Social Media Community

We wanna be your friend. You can also connect with us on social media and become a part of our growing and engaging community. You can follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter to stay connected and to join us in the conversations. 

By joining our social media community, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with fellow readers, share your thoughts, and receive updates on new blog posts and other exciting announcements.

#3 Leave us Comments

Your thoughts and feedback are extremely valuable to us as a blogger. Do leave comments on my blog posts, as it is a fantastic way to engage with our content and share your perspectives. Whether you have questions or insights or simply want to express your appreciation, your comments are greatly appreciated and contribute to the ongoing dialogue. Do share your thoughts and let your voice be heard!

Here are some of our recent blogs that you can check out –

#4 Ask For A Postcard

Who doesn’t love receiving a personal touch in this digital age? As a way of connecting on a more personal level, we invite you to ask for a postcard. Drop us an email with your address, and we will be delighted to send you a handwritten note or postcards from our previous or future travels as a token of appreciation. All with the best of our compliments. It’s a small gesture that bridges the gap between you and us.

AIESEC Exchange in The Czech Republic

#5 We Would Love Your Encouragement by Sharing Our Blogs

One of the most powerful ways you can support my blog is by sharing our blogs with your friends, family, and social networks. If you find a blog post that resonates with you or think it could benefit someone you know, don’t hesitate to share it. 

It would make us extremely happy if you would spread the word about us. Doing so will really help us to increase the visibility of my blog, attract new readers, and contribute to the growth of our community. Your encouragement and willingness to share our content means the world to me.

In conclusion, your support as a reader and member of our growing community is invaluable. By subscribing to our newsletter, joining our social media platforms, leaving comments, requesting a postcard, and sharing our blogs, you become an integral part of our journey and help my blog thrive. Your active participation and engagement are more than what words could express.

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Nishad Kinhikar Founder & Editor-In-Chief
Hi, I am Nishad Kinhikar, an avid theatre enthusiast and a passionate traveller. I decided to create VeryFirstTale with the aim of inspiring my fellow readers, friends, and family to explore the world around you by enjoying every bit of your life. Through my blog, I aim to not only share my personal travel stories but also to spotlight the incredible marvels of the Marathi theatre. My passion for theatre and travel is rooted in the unforgettable moments both can create. Join me on my journey and see where it takes you.

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